Tuesday, June 22, 2010

WTF world? WTF...

So a lot has been going on since I last posted. The BP oil spill primarily. This whole situation actually really makes me mad. All the people of this country care about is cheap gas and we are willing to screw over our enviroment or that, and that really really irritates me! What is wrong with us?

A continuation of that thought, I was looking through facebook and saw that Lady Gaga, we all know i loveeee herr -drip drip- (thats sarcasm you hear dripping from my words), had almost 9million fans... 9 million. Well, I'm not really surprised, most people seem to like her for some reason beyond my comprehension. This is not the issue, the issue is, I started wondering if anything worth caring about had as many fans? My first thought, WORLD PEACE! Everyone wants world peace right? So I type it into the search bar -tap tap tap-...a pathetic 15 thousand fans... that is a pretty sad revelation. A SIGNIFICANT amount of people care more about celebrities than world peace... Even less known stars such as Vin Diesel have 8 million fans! I mean, is that right? NO! That's pathetic, and I say, we as a nation, no, a world, are more than slightly pathetic for where our priorities are.

That is all I have to rant about right now, Thanks for reading, if anyone did...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

everything in between

So lately i can stop listening to this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLBSyhTyIYk It is "love is gone" by David Guetta. Veryyyyy Good!.
Reading "Her Fearful Symmetry"
Finals are kicking my butt. Almost done though. Just tonight, tomorrow, friday left. Then reviews of course, I hope I'll be ready.
I want to watch Paradise Kiss.
Now an opinion! My opinion on David Hasslehoff is that he is a silly silly man...

Monday, April 19, 2010


So finals are coming up fastttt. Reallll fasttt. So we have to make portfolios for one of my classes. I made a template for it and have been putting design and stuff on there. I will upload a template perhaps? Who knows?! not me for sure. So much work to be done in 2 weeks. In TWO WEEKS! It's gunna be a late night, maybe a no sleep night? WHO KNOWS? NOT ME!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Laramie Project Protest

The WBC (a church that goes around damning people and calling people fetus eaters) will be protesting in Ann Arbor at the Laramie Project Play. This really makes me angry because they are protesting the existence of Mathew Shephard who was a hero and was killed mercilessly and with no reason besides for people's own perverted hate. I can't stand when people are bias for reasons that are illogical. There is no proof backing up what they are preaching. I am a devote Christian myself, so don't get me wrong, I'm not against the preaching, it is what they are preaching that is the problem. Anyone with brains would have a problem with what they are protesting. They don't just protest against gays they protest against obama and the protest against anyone else who isn't a white baptist who hates everyone else.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Prop 8

So today, according to Advocate Magazine, the people fighting for the repeal of Prop 8 admitted defeat, saying they wouldn't be able to get the nearly 700,000 signatures (8% of the voting population in California) required to continue on. They have stated that they intend to try again in 2012 but that is a long ways from now and honestly I'm peeved off. Wtf is wrong with this country? Not just this country, this planet?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Just set up my blog.

Hey! Just set up my blog today. Today I went to Mexican Town for the first time and I took some photos. I think I'll post them?

So maybe I should talk about who I am? I am currently a college student studying advertising design and I hope to have a focus in fashion advertising, but who knows? I'm only a freshman, so there is still time to decide. I love photography but I need to take quite a few photos to get a good one. I'm a vegetarian and an activist for the environment, animals, and gay rights. I hope someone reads this blog and enjoys it.

these were at the local cemetery